Photo Book
Odessos PhotoBook software is a pack of retail shop decrypting software and end user (DIY) program; the finished photo book is encrypted and could be printed only at your photo shop.
Key features:
- Different album templates – classic, old-stylish, prestige types
- Different sizes and number of album pages available – could be customized according to the features of the binding machine
- Automatic software update; automatic album upload on a FTP server
- Input media screen – easy access to all available input devices – USB, memory cards, CD/DVD, HDD, Wi-Fi hot folder
- Basic Image Services – brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, 2 auto corrections, color corrections and etc.
- Collecting customer’s name, phone and e-mail for each order
- Encrypting the completed order, so that it could be opened exclusively in your/authorized shop.
- Numerous payment album delivery options
- Compatible with all brands of binding machines
- Download Demo Version
- Download Full Version